To restore the registration certificate, should write an application that the registration certificate is stolen and you need a copy of the registration card on your car. If the registration certificate have been made to your relatives, you should write another statement asking to bring them restored document. It is necessary to prepare in advance a copy of the passport relative and the document confirming your relationship with him.
Then you need to contact the district traffic police where to put the stamp registration card that stolen data sheet is not in the State Automobile Inspection. Next should pay receipts totaling 300 to 350 USD. and get a copy of the card with all the information about the car.
A statement, a copy of registration card and payment receipt is necessary expert MREO visit, showing him the car. You need to write an application for vehicle inspection expert and advance to take place.
The expert checks the documents with the car makes resolution on the registration card, and then you get a certificate that this car really belongs to you and is not listed in the hijacking. Then, on all documents, including this witness, expert and inspector SAI should put down the seal and signature. All these documents should be presented in MREO not later than 10 days. And for 3 hours, upon presentation of the passport of citizen of Ukraine, you will receive a temporary registration certificate for the car. Replace the temporary registration certificate on a permanent document should be within 3 months.
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